Saturday, January 30, 2010

Art Journal January Day 28

Day 28- Funky Footprints
I have to say I think today's prompt was the funnest so far, and with just a few days to go, it may just as well be my favorite.
I love the idea of using your feet to help create art. Just goes to show that when creating art, it is definitely a part of the whole you.

When I got done making the footprints, the first thing I saw in the image was a silly cheeky monkey, so I chose to go with it, and draw the doodles in and make matching monkeys in a heart.
The footprints are done with wildflower colored ink, and then I used colored sharpie markers to accent, and for the tail and ears I used a magenta watercolor pencil, and a water brush.
The toes are the backside of kitties, and a bunch of silly mice.
When I was all finished I added some glitter as accents.

1 comment:

brunerD said...

I am loving your art work! I am doing a similar challenge, It's called project 365 and you take a picture every day for a whole year. I am blogging it as well, and it's very fun! I am also a scrapbooker so your blog is super fun! I will be following it!

If you'd like to see mine, it is: