Friday, June 13, 2008

This House Is Me

This is page two in my art journal. The journal prompt was to draw or create a house that shows the essence of you. I guess I was feeling a little childish when I colored my house, because I made it very rainbow, and I colored it with cheap little kids watercolor paints from the department store. I intended to make flower boxes under the windows when I got done with coloring it, but then I wanted to keep it really simple, so I didn't draw them in. I was also feeling rather dreamy as I was drawing- hoping for someday to have a home. Not a large home, but one with a pitched roof, and foyer. (Not a mobile home like we live in now.) I know they are big dreams, but they are dreams, and if I don't dream, then I will not have anything to work for right? Now, I am not sure that I want a rainbow colored house. No! I think maybe a sage, or gray colored one, with white trim, and maybe a white picket fence. Very traditional looking, but I am not really picky. I suppose if someone gave me a rainbow colored house I would be thrilled, and I would save my pennies and repaint it someday!


Anonymous said...

WOW! I love your two pages about home. Your photo of the door is really spectacular and the way you faded the edges is really, really professional looking...good thing you have words over it or someone would want to steal it. :-)

Your watercolored house is awesome. Very, very nice...I am keep saying you "can't"...well, obviously "You CAN!" <3

Anne said...

Your ideal house turned out so cute! I recently started the Soul Journaling with Sarah Whitmire, so I'm just about to start these pages. Yours are gorgeous!

By the way, if you would like to trade blog links, let me know! (Just click through my name to my e-mail!)